Organic Labelling and Importation Regulation

Importing organic food products can be sometimes difficult to follow as every country or regional unions have their own regulations.

Definition of Organic Food

Organic food general definition: the product of a farming system which avoids the use of man-made fertilisers, pesticides; growth regulators and livestock feed additives. Irradiation and the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or products produced from or by GMOs are generally prohibited by organic legislation.

According to UK DEFRA

Cup Of Japan is not specialised in customs regulations, this article is to help shed some light on a subject that is often misinterpreted.

The use the label "organic product" is subject to clearing condition pre-established by a country's regulations.

Must follow criteria for production methods, storage and packaged products are registered.

Japan Standard: JAS

In Japan, the system is called the Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS) and controlled by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)

The JAS System refers to the certification system to attach the JAS marks to the products inspected in accordance with the JAS established by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. The JAS are voluntary other than JAS Standards for Organic Foods. The only Certified Business Entities such as producers and manufacturers can attach JAS marks to the products.rules are called the Japan Agricultural Standard or JAS for short. JAS certified organic means that the product can be sold as an organic product within Japan with a JAS logo. It has no legal meaning in other countries unless that country accepts the JAS logo/certification.



EU: Japan has recognised for the purpose of equivalence since 30 May 2010.

USA: Japan is recognised for the purpose of equivalence since 26 September 2013.

As long as the terms of the arrangement are met, Japanese organic products certified to the USDA / EU organic standards or Japanese Agricultural Standards (JAS) may be sold, labelled, and represented as organic in both countries. As long as the operation is certified by a
USDA / EU accredited or Japan-accredited certifying agent, this arrangement facilitates access to each country’s organic market. 


Useful Links

EU - Import/Export: Trade in Organic Products

USA - USDA's Organic Regulations